The Munroe's Home Page

This is a picture of my Brother and Sisters, we are the Children of Robert Sinclair Munroe and Sharon Marie Scallion.
My Name is Phil, what I am trying to accomplish with this web site is to give the Munroe family a common place to gather. (click for bigger pic.)


Nephew and Niece, Blair and Serena. (Click for bigger picture)


(click for bigger picture)

If you have any information on the munroe family please send me an E-Mail. From what I know at this point is that my Dad's Family, which is Black, is from Scottland and moved to Nova Scotia arount 1897. My Mother's Family is also From Scotland, Ireland, and England, and moved to Nova Scotia around in the 1800's (Her Father's Parents from Ireland and England) and in 1911 (Her Mother's Parents from Scotland).
This Web Page is for the Munroe Family and their friends. If you are a member of the family please sign in on the Family Guest book, otherwise sign in on the Friends Guest book.

The Munroe Family goes by vaious versions of Munroe, like Monroe, Munro, Monro. If this is you we may be family.

My Cousin's Josh and Denika


Phil's Webcam | Me and my bike